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Cane River Music is a boutique print music distributor specializing in quality works of music for winds, strings, and percussion.  If you have a discerning taste and appreciate music of high artistic merit, you have come to the right place.  Born of a long friendship between composer Martin Ellerby and conductor Jeff Mathews CRM is the embodiment of their shared commitment to the promotion of superior concert music.




Each set (paper copy or PDF) is a master set - it comes with one of each part and a license to reproduce/print extra copies for your band. Please see below for printing and copying guidelines.


PDF files are available for many of the works. If you order a PDF set it will be stamped with your ensemble/organization/school name.. Please complete the ensemble name field when ordering to avoid delays.


Paper copies of music will be distributed by regular mail. Other shipping options are available, but please contact us for a quote before ordering. All titles are mailed from the the US.  Delivery to locations outside the US may required more time.



Each masterset will include a printing and copying license. Please note this only applies to sets that are mastersets rather than full sets


Parts: A PDF set will include one (1) of each part, and most paper sets include one (1) master copy of each part. Directors/ensembles/librarians may print or photocopy as many parts as required for your ensemble. Any printed or copied parts are to remain part of the original purchased set.


Scores: Multiple copies of both PDF and paper scores may be produced for the purposes of rehearsals, marking of scores etc.. All printed or copied scores must remain part of the original purchased set. If a director wishes to keep a personal copy of their score, a further copy must be purchased. All scores required for festivals/evaluations etc.. must be original, purchased, scores.


Lending/Sharing or any other unlicensed distribution of any title from Cane River Music is strictly prohibited and violates copyright law.


Performance of the work is limited to the ensemble it is purchased for. If the work is required for a different school or honor band (or any other ensemble) an additional set must be purchased by that ensemble.


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